경산 쉼터용식 Yong Sik (Schnauzer)

조회수 1352

🐕 이름 : 용식이 (슈나우저)

🐕 성별 : 수컷 (중성화완료)

🐕 나이 : 10세 추정 노견

🐕 몸무게 : 8~10kg 예상 (조금 살 쪄서 빼야함)

🐕 특징 : 온순하고, 사람을 좋아하고 잘 따르는 편임. 8살 추정 때 화성에서 학대 폭행 후 안락사 올라왔음. 마킹 있음 

🐕 Name: Yong Sik (Schnauzer)

🐕 Gender: Male (neutered)

🐕 Age: Estimated 10 years, senior dog

🐕 Weight: Estimated 8-10kg (needs to lose some weight)

🐕 Characteristics: Gentle and enjoys being around people. He is obedient and easy to handle. He went through abuse and mistreatment around the age of 8 in Hwaseong but was rescued and given a peaceful life. He has marking behavior.

<23년 6월 6일 사진>

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